Posted on: Jul 21, 2020 | | Written by:

A simple guide to care for bike tyres and avail insurance

Published on July 21, 2020. EST READ TIME: 5 MIN

A vehicle is hardly a vehicle without tyres. And your motorbike’s tyres come in contact with various terrains every single day. Yet, they are usually not given the care and protection they deserve. While a bike insurance policy can secure you financially against claim damages caused by accidents, natural or manmade calamities, or thefts, you can minimise everyday losses by taking good care of your tyres. After all, tyres play an important role in determining the bike’s fuel efficiency and maintenance costs. So, for a bike to be in top shape, its tyres must be in perfect shape too. Faulty tyres can put you as well as others on the road at risk.

Here are some important tips to help you take care of tyres

Maintains optimal tyre pressure - Different bikes have different tyre pressure levels. So, check the two-wheeler manual to know for sure and fill the tyres with air up to the optimum levels. Do not, at any cost, put off the task of filling air in the bike’s tyres. Riding with less pressure can be risky. It is also important to get the tyre pressure checked at regular intervals.

Wash regularly - Wash you bike’s tyres regularly rather than just leave them until servicing. Do not ignore muddy tyres as accumulated dirt can cause the tyres to skid. Wash them when they become dirty, especially after long trips.

Find the right tyre - There are different tyres available for normal street riding and racing. If you plan to use your bike for city commutes, do not buy racing tyres as they will offer low traction on the road.

Replace tyres at regular intervals - No tyre lasts forever. So, check the age of the tyres periodically and replace them. It is advisable to get tyres replaced every 5 to 7 years. Generally, if the front tyres look worn out, people tend to replace only those, but it is advisable to replace both front and rear tyres, as all tyres have the same mileage.

Caring for bike tyres in monsoons - Tyre pressure is critical during the rainy season because it can affect the bike’s grip on the road, leading to slippage and accidents. So, it is recommended to ride one or two psi below the manufacturer’s recommended levels in the rain, for proper grip.

Also, before you take your bike out in the rain, check the tyre treads. Tyre treads are designed to disperse water, and so, it is important to have a good tread depth for riding in the rains.

Also, if the tyres are too old, it is advisable to get them replaced before taking them out for a drive. This is because the rubber hardens with age and hardened tyres are no good.

Why avail bike Insurance?

A precautionary measure that every biker should take to protect his bike from thefts, accidents or calamities, is buy a comprehensive bike insurance policy. Such a policy will protect you against physical injuries in road accidents, any damage done to your vehicle, and any damage done to a third person or property. It will also protect you against financial losses in case your bike gets stolen. Bike insurance premium calculation is easy, as you can use online tools these days. You will simply need to provide details such as model, registration number, manufacturer, city, value of the vehicle etc. and calculate the premium using the online calculator.


All in all, by taking proper care of your bike tyres, going for regular servicing and availing a comprehensive bike insurance plan, you can ride your vehicle stress-free in all climates. Following the manufacturer’s manual is mandatory as well.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.

This blog has been written by

Mukesh Kumar | Motor Insurance Expert | 36+ years of experience in insurance industry

A veteran in the insurance industry, Mukesh Kumar has the expertise of handling various functions like Business Development, Underwriting, Claims, Human Resources, Quality Management and Marketing. With rich knowledge of the industry, he loves to share his views on topics of insurance sector and takes special interest in educating people on advantages of having insurance.

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