Posted on: Mar 2, 2021 | | Written by:

10 Tips for Diabetics to stay fit this New Year

If you struggle with your blood glucose levels, join the seventy-three million other Indians who suffer from diabetes. Dealing with diabetes can be a challenge. Hyperglycaemia (or the high presence of sugar in the blood) results in many different symptoms like blurred vision, peeing often, fatigue, numbness or tingling feet, weight loss, skin infections, and more. Suffice to say, staying fit as a pre-diabetic or diabetic individual feels like a challenge. You also need to ensure that you are receiving proper diabetes treatment to manage it. Looking at the huge rise in healthcare expenses, it is always wise to invest in good health insurance policies. So, if you haven't bought one already, now is the time to do it. Fortunately, here are ten ways you can manage diabetes to remain fit this New Year.

10 Home remedies to control diabetes

1. Manage your stress levels

Taking on more stress than your body is prepared for can result in hyperglycaemia. Hence, stress can inadvertently trigger diabetes. It is important to find activities you can count on as a means to relax. Listen to your favourite music, take a walk, garden, and do whatever else helps you cope. Stress management also falls among healthy New Year resolutions to inculcate.

2. Drink in moderation

Alcohol consumption can result in signs of low blood sugar in the body. After alcohol is consumed, your liver works to process this rather than performing its normal function of releasing sugar in response to low levels in the blood. Low blood sugar or hypoglycaemia is also a stressful condition to deal with and can result in sweats, chills, anxiety, nervousness, light-headedness, and more.

3. Adjust lifestyle for the stage of life you are in

Hormone levels fluctuate with age, and lifestyle choices can cause these fluctuations to become a lot more pronounced. As an example, when women go through menopause, they are recommended to monitor their blood glucose more often. Blood glucose can fluctuate with the hormone changes experienced during menopause. This is the time to consult with one’s doctor and figure out which kind of diet plan is ideal for your body and the hormonal changes it is experiencing.

4. Be conscious about medication

Different medications can interact with your diabetes so be mindful of any supplements you take on a daily basis. As an example, some medication is sweetened which can spike your blood sugar. Other medications can affect blood glucose in different ways.

5. Improve oral hygiene

When one struggles with diabetes, they are at a higher risk of developing um disease. As per the ADA (American Diabetes Association), the reason people with diabetes have a lowered ability to ward off infection that arises from bacteria in the mouth. Healthy food like fruit instead of candy and chocolates can improve one’s oral hygiene, as can gargling with water after eating.

6. Travel with a plan

When you visit a new location with different cuisine, this can disrupt your diet temporarily, as well as your normal routine. Ensure you are adjusting our medication and being prepared for the diet changes, and managing those switches accordingly. Traveling can disrupt your normal routine, so be sure to plan ahead. One of the main remedies to control diabetes is to moderate our diet as best as you can.

7. Sweeten your meals yourself

One of the most common diabetic tips is to manage your own sugar by having your own sweeteners available whenever you may need them. The goal of this is to allow yourself more control, where you moderate the sugar consumed in your diet by adding your own sweeteners or avoiding them altogether. When you add sugar yourself, you are much likely to add less sugar. This saves your carbohydrate content, calories, and more.

8. Keep up with your vaccinations

One of the healthy New Year resolutions for diabetics and non-diabetics is to keep up to date with vaccinations. However, this applies more strongly to diabetics due to the fact that the illness can make you a lot more vulnerable to developing illnesses like pneumonia, hepatitis B, the flu, and more. Such illnesses are a lot more common in people with diabetes, which is why staying on top of one’s vaccinations is essential.

9. Know your date inside out

One of the most essential diabetic tips is to continuously monitor your glucose levels. This is key to manage your diabetes, as well as help you instantly ascertain whether your body is in a high glucose state or a low glucose state. Glucose is typically monitored before and after every meal to assess whether the foods one is consuming are spiking one’s blood sugar too much.

10. Ensure you follow your doctor’s guidelines at all times

Whether you are vacationing or feeling like your condition has improved, your doctor’s guidelines are non-negotiable until discussed and updated. Hence, it is vital to ensure you are continuously practicing these guidelines even when you are tempted to skip some of the practices like glucose monitoring.


Diabetes can be an annoying condition to manage, but these ten tips will have you well equipped in the new year to deal with it. Ensure you do not take this advice without consulting with your doctor prior.

