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Ayurvedic Tips to Stay Balanced While Travelling

Published on October 31, 2022. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

Ayurvedic Tips to Have Balanced Travel

Travelling to new places and trying out new cuisines and being among new cultures can be quite exciting. Yet, if not planned properly, it can have some impacts on your health as well. There can be a rush to catch flights, a change of time zones, layover for extended periods and overall disruption to your routine. You must take care of your health for an enjoyable stay. And for added protection you can take the help of travel insurance India plans on offer.

1. Hydrate Yourself

During long-haul flights, it is quite common to feel dehydrated as it is majorly due to the oxygen used in aircraft. Dehydration can result in poor concentration, fatigue and drying of the skin and for some people even constipation. You must ensure that you are hydrated during a flight and before taking off. It will help you avoid the above symptoms.

• You must try to avoid the complimentary drinks on offers such as alcohol, tea, and coffee, as these drinks are diuretics, which can further add to dehydration.

• On the other hand, you can try to drink spiced tea or ginger tea and warm water. These will help you to stay hydrated and at the same time keep a check on your Vata.

• Another way to calm your Vata is to apply oil while travelling. It is a good idea to carry a small container of oil so that you can massage different parts of the body such as feet, arms, face, and belly. You can even apply a little bit of oil to your ear canals and nostrils to prevent drying. Oil will also prevent bugs that might be present in the air. Almond oil or black sesame oil is ideal for such instances.

2. Practice Yoga

There are a few simple yoga asanas that you can practice during your travels. This will help you keep the blood circulating in the body and avoid stiffness or body aches. Also, it is a good idea to get up at regular intervals and walk during the flight.

Here are some of the other things that you can try during your flight:

• Try to gently touch your toes and then reach up to the sky. Do this simple stretch a few times.

• Try hugging your knees to your chest while you are sitting.

• Another simple stretch that you can try is to hold on to the armrest and twist your head and shoulders towards the back of the seat. This will help you relax your back.

• You can try to hug yourself while touching your shoulder blades with the help of your fingertips. After you get into that position, you can press your ears towards the left shoulder and then towards the right. This will help you release any stress in your neck muscles.

3. Herbal Supplements

It is not uncommon for people to suffer from constipation while travelling. This can be attributed to higher Vata, changes in routine and digestive functions that are impacted. You can keep constipation in check with the help of herbal supplements. Two capsules of Triphala before sleeping will help you with your bowel movements. It also aids in toning the colon. And contains Amalaki, which is a fruit that contains Vitamin C in large quantities. It will help boost your immunity and fight any bugs during the flight. Together they will boost your immunity and keep constipation at bay.

4. Avoid Airplane Food

Food served on airlines is usually bad and does not contain many nutrients and vitality. Since your digestive function is impaired due to changes in timings and travel, the airline food doesn’t do a lot of good. The lack of nutrients makes it hard for the body to digest the good, extract nutrients from it and sometimes even build up toxins in the body, also known as Ama in Ayurveda. To counter these, you can have your meal an hour or two before your travels. And pack something light for the journey. These could include fruits, sweets, healthy snacks, etc. Carrying some fruits is the best option since they are high in fibre and water. For healthy snacks, you can carry nuts, dried fruits, or seeds. They not only are satisfying snacks but also extremely beneficial for your body. You can even make your lunch, dinner, and breakfast before you leave and carry them. Some good examples include vegetable wraps, overnight oats, salads of grains, roasted vegetables, etc.

5. Stick to a Routine

One of the easiest ways to stay balanced during travels is to stick to your routine back home. The closer you stay to your routine, the easier it becomes to travel. Since your body does not have to undergo a lot of changes. If you are travelling to a different time zone, it is always a good idea to set your watch to the time zone of your destination. Try to do it as soon as you board the plane. Also, try to have your meals and sleep synchronized with the destination timing. This will help you reduce jet lag and aid in the circadian rhythm of your body. Which is popularly known as the body clock. Opting for travel insurance is crucial in such times. If there are any delays or cancellations of flights, the policy will offer you compensation for the same.

Apart from the above tips, you must opt for a travel insurance plan. There are quite a few perks and benefits of the same. Here are some of the most prominent ones.

• If there is any kind of loss during your travel, such as loss of baggage or passport, the insurance provider will compensate you for the same. The cover also ensures that any additional expenses that arise due to these are compensated for.

• Any changes to the itinerary can have cascading effects on your plan. These changes can be due to medical emergencies, drastic weather changes, unforeseen circumstances, cancellations by airlines or hotels due to financial constraints, etc. The policy has your back in such times.

• More importantly, if you opt for travel insurance India plans, they offer compensation for medical emergencies during your travel. And this cover can help you cope with medical expenses while travelling.


Travelling can be a lot of fun but it can have some impacts on your health if you do not take adequate precautions. Fortunately, some ayurvedic tips can help you stay healthy during your next trip. The above along with a travel insurance plan will ensure that your trip is smooth without any issues to worry about. The presence of an insurance plan can make things much easier for you.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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