Posted on: Apr 25, 2022 | | Written by:

Keep the Bike’s Clutch in Minty Condition for a Smoother Ride

Take care of Bike’s Clutch

Your bike is very precious to you and this is why you get the best bike insurance policy to keep it safe. The components of your bike are equally important and the clutch is one of the most important components of a bike. Apart from helping you to switch gears when riding the vehicle, the clutch also works to connect and disconnect the engine from the transmission. These features make the clutch an irreplaceable component of the bike and you must ensure the clutch isn't malfunctioning at any time. If you detect any problem, you should take your bike to the nearest garage at the earliest and get the issues fixed. However, spotting the problem may not always be easy. If you have limited knowledge about the workings of the bike and its parts, you would not be able to tell that the bike’s clutch has gone bad. This is why we are here to help! Take a look at this article and identify some simple ways in which you can identify problems and fix the bike’s clutch.

Ways to identify a clutch problem

Right at the onset, let us discuss some of the tell-tale ways in which you can detect a problem in the clutch of the bike:

1. Excessive revving:

If you are a seasoned biker, and especially if you have been using your bike for a long time, you will know exactly how your bike runs and sounds. When you notice the bike is revving up excessively, then in all probability there will be a problem with the clutch. The revving happens because the club plates don't move smoothly and they require an extra effort to perform. This is why you hear loud and unusual sounds. This is a simple way to detect a clutch problem in your bike.

2. Excessive fuel consumption:

When the bike revs too much, the engine also struggles as a result and works harder than normal. This results in higher fuel consumption and you notice a fall in the bike’s mileage. If you hear these noises and then see the vehicle is consuming excessive petrol, get the clutch checked at the earliest.

3. Sticking of clutch:

This happens when the blades stick to each other inside the clutch. This can happen due to the formation of grease between the blades, or due to the wear and tear of these parts. Get the clutch plates repaired or replace them to avoid this problem.

4. Sharp metallic noise:

A sharp metallic noise happens when the clutch lever is stuck. There are several reasons why a clutch lever can get stuck. Most commonly, it happens because dust, dirt and grime get lodged between the plates of the clutch. At times, the clutch cable malfunctions or loses its elasticity and this also leads to the levels getting stuck. If you notice this, have a professional look at your bike and fix the problem.

5. Slipping of clutch:

When your clutch slips, it fails to perform and carry out its biggest duty which is enabling a change in the gears. If you suddenly find changing gears on your bike difficult, it is a very obvious sign of the clutch had gone bad. A well-performing clutch will make way for a smooth gear changing experience. Take your bike to the garage if you experience this and ask them to fix the clutch problems.

6. Hard to shift gears:

If you notice that you cannot shift the gears or, more importantly, a single gear refuses to shift, then this is another pointer that your clutch needs repair. If you experience this, get it repaired as changing gears is a very important part of being able to ride your bike smoothly and safely.

7. Burning smell:

You will get a burning smell when there is excessive friction inside the clutch. The clutch requires proper lubrication to lower the friction and also to keep it cool. If you notice a burning smell, check the clutch oil and ensure it is passing properly through the clutch plates.

If you notice any one or all of these problems, you need to send your bike for servicing and get it fixed. Make use of your bike insurance policy and see if you can cover the costs under the plan.

Tips on maintaining the overall health of the bike’s clutch:

Now that you are aware of what is causing your bike to malfunction, look for quick and effective ways to fix the problems. Once that is done, you should work to keep the clutch working well. Here are some tips to help you do so:

A. Maintain the tyres:

Start off by keeping an eye on the tyre pressure. Unless the tyre has proper pressure, you won't have sufficient grip over the bike and its balance will also falter. Since changing gears to increase or decrease the speed is greatly dependent on the bike’s balance, the tyre pressure plays an important role. The same holds true for the tyre threads too. So basically, the tyres of your bike should be in mint condition for your bike’s clutch to be performing well. There is a strong correlation between the two, so do not ignore this point.

B. Check the clutch oil:

The clutch, especially the wet clutches installed in most high-end motorcycles and dirt bikes, require lubrication. The clutch oil is used for this very purpose - to keep the clutch lubricated. There are two main reasons why this is necessary. First of all, the clutch oil keeps the friction in balance and allows the clutch plates to move smoothly, in turn allowing the clutch to perform to its full potential. Secondly, the oil works to cool down the clutch compartment and this too contributes to the clutch performing well. Without a proper and good-quality clutch oil in place, your bike won't run smoothly. If you haven't changed the oil in a while, you may have a problem that you would have to address soon.


Now that you know more about the common clutch problems and how to diagnose them, keep an eye out for these issues. Also, use the remedies mentioned above and keep the clutch in the best possible condition at all times. Alongside that, get an excellent bike insurance plan to keep your bike secure and protected in a wholesome manner. Take care of your precious vehicle and you will be able to safely ride it for many years.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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