Posted on: Apr 18, 2022 | | Written by:

Easy Tips To Have An Eco-Friendly Vacation

Easy Tips To Have An Eco-Friendly Vacation

It is very important for everyone to make a conscious effort toward making this planet greener. These are difficult times and the resources of the earth are depleting. This is a good time to do your bit and contribute to the ecological wellness of Mother Earth. Rather than only playing fair on Earth Day, everyone should try to make a difference on a regular basis, even when travelling. If you have just booked your tickets, bought a travel insurance policy and are all set to travel, remember your duties towards nature would continue when travelling too. In this article, we list six of the best ways in which you can be a green traveller. Check them out and implement these ideas wherever you can.

1. Travel less and with meaning:

Rather than covering 15 places in two weeks, look to explore fewer destinations and make your trip more wholesome. If you stay put in one place for a longer time, you reduce your carbon footprint.

The more you travel, the more you use transportation which in turn consumes more fuel, contributes to more pollution and makes the earth less green. So, make your travel plan in such a way that you can explore one place in greater detail.

Go for walking tours, hire bicycles or use a public bus to get around. You will enjoy this unique experience and make a huge difference to the planet as well.

2. Stay just a little bit longer:

If you have been waiting to explore Kashmir and finally have the opportunity to travel there this year, make the most of your trip. You can spend a good amount of time there exploring the place in and out. When you do so, you get many benefits.

First and foremost, you have a very extensive and endearing holiday where you get to explore every nook and corner of the place. Then, it reduces the need for you to visit the place again and again, thereby saving the earth from the dangerous fumes that every aeroplane ride releases.

This may seem like a drop in the ocean, but when everyone thinks like this, the earth benefits and we start to move towards a greener existence.

3. Go for a plant-based meal when you can:

Trying out the local delicacies is an essential part of every holiday. However, what you eat also has a bearing on your green choices. Plant-based meals are considered to be healthy for your body and for your planet too. These meals are perfect because they help in the ecological balance of the earth.

Also, avoiding animal proteins and dairy keeps you fit when travelling. Getting a stomach bug or feeling nauseous when extensively travelling may be quite unpleasant. Even though your travel insurance plan covers your health, it is also your duty to keep yourself healthy so that your travel plans are not hampered.

There are many yummy plant-based food options available in most parts of India and abroad too, so see what you can have and give yourself and Mother Earth a delicious treat.

4. Carefully consider how you get there:

As mentioned above, aeroplane fumes are highly dangerous and cause massive damage to the Earth. The same holds true for the smoke emitted from other vehicles, especially the ones that are not pollution-controlled. The travel choices you make can therefore make a difference to the Earth.

Look to reduce air travel where possible. Opt for road travel, in electric vehicles or via other eco-friendly options such as rowboats or even bicycles and carts, where possible. Rather than hiring individual vehicles, use pooled vehicles with other travellers.

These are some of the best ways in which you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute towards making the Earth green again.

5. Choose hotels and experiences that are seriously green:

Nowadays, you find many eco-friendly hotels and resorts in every part of the world. These hotels and resorts make a conscious effort toward the ecological wellness of our planet. They use natural light, refrain from using air-conditioners, use eco-friendly cleaning material to keep the property and its components clean, serve plant-based food in their restaurants and generally have a green approach.

Not only do you have a comfortable stay in such a place, but you also make a huge difference to the health of the earth. Hotels that use excessive bleach to clean their linen, or keep the air-conditioning system on round the clock harm the earth in massive ways. When you stay in such a place, you contribute to the harm as well.

So, if you want to make a difference, do your research and locate the best eco-friendly hotels and resorts at your destination and consider staying at one of these places.

6. Scrutinise how each company supports our planet:

And finally, scrutinise how each company you are associated with for the vacation, supports our planet. These would include your travel agency from where you buy the tickets, the travel insurance company from where you buy your travel insurance cover, the transport company that would take you to the destination, the hotels where you stay, the sightseeing organisers, etc.

Take an oath to only associate with companies that make an active effort to improve the health of Mother Earth. Industrial waste is one of the main reasons why the resources of our earth are depleting. Thankfully though, a lot of corporate houses are now taking positive steps towards making it a greener planet.

Find out which company is making good progress and associate with them and play your part too.


We do not have another planet to live on and Mother Earth is all we have. This is why we should all collectively make an effort and heal the world. Also, we should prevent ourselves and the others around us from making the condition worse. You can contribute at every step, including when you travel. Keep all the tips mentioned above in mind and you will have a meaningful and enjoyable green holiday. Get the best travel insuranceplan to keep yourself safe and follow the best green practices to keep the earth safe too.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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