Posted on: Jun 9, 2022 | | Written by:

Want to Know Eco-Friendly Alternatives to these Five Common Products You Use at Home

Eco-friendly alternatives to Common Home Products

Home is our safe place and we do everything we can to keep it safe and secure. From buying a house insurance policy to having the best security systems and to using the best products, we do everything in the best possible manner. But we often forget the Earth is also our home and taking care of the environment is our individual responsibility.

We celebrate World Environment Day on 5th June and especially on this day, we should pledge to make small changes in our daily life so that we can ensure we make the planet a better place for the next generation at least.

To start with we can start looking for environment-friendly alternatives to things we use in our house. This will inculcate good habits in kids and also reduce the hazard plastic and other materials pose.

Let us discuss some eco-friendly alternatives to five commonly used products in our household which will promote better living

• Bamboo Toothbrush

A toothbrush is a product that is used by everyone in the house. From a child to an elderly person, everyone uses them. If you have paid attention, the toothbrushes available in the market are all made of plastic. The plastic we all know is not good for the environment. Thus, these can be replaced by bamboo toothbrushes.

This might seem to be a small step, but it will for sure make a big difference and it will be easy to adopt. There are some companies that make bamboo toothbrushes and have bristles that are charcoal-infused. The bristles with charcoal are good for the teeth and also help in whitening. As there are many brands available, while buying one should check that the brushes are made using organically grown. The way the brush is made and the quality of bamboo used will ensure that the natural anti-bacterial properties are retained.

Bamboo toothbrushes are good from the point of view of health and of course, they have their benefits for the environment. Thus, this alternative is a win-win situation for all.

• Eco-Friendly Straws

When we buy a house insurance policy, we want our house safe against all damages and any financial stress. The need of the hour is to come out of our xylos and think about the environment and places around us. And for this, we have to start making small changes in our daily lives and looking at commonly used products.

Straws are another very commonly used thing in a household. The usual ones in the market are the ones made out of plastic and the quality of these is not good as it's made with single-use plastic which is not easily biodegradable. There are straws available in steel and apart from this, there are other options like straws made from wheat stubble. These take about six months to decompose and thus, are good for the environment.

Apart from that paper straws are another option and options like this should also be looked for in restaurants and cafés. When we are aware, we can make others aware and make a change. When we refuse to use plastic straws, the owners of these eateries will also become aware and get paper straws that are good for the environment.

• Plastic Bags

The next thing which is used in all households is plastic bags, not only in houses but in shops and markets as well. If we can replace them, we will be able to contribute a lot to the environment. Polybags are single-use plastic which is the worst for the environment. There are brands that are working on finding alternatives and one such option is to use bags made from corn starch. These are better for the environment and do not clog landfills.

For shopping, one should make a conscious decision of not accepting plastic bags from any vendor and as far as possible carry cloth bags from home. This will help reduce the use of plastic and be good for the environment. Keeping cloth or jute bags in cars or in your handbag or at the place where you keep keys, will ensure you do not leave the house without them. All shopping trips are not planned, but carrying bags always will ensure you avoid the use of plastic bags which are a nuisance to the environment.

• Household Items

There are some things in the kitchen that can be easily replaced with non-plastic options. Two main and simple things are water bottles and disposable tableware. Single-use plastic tableware should be a big no especially when options are available like those made from bamboo and sugarcane pulp that are easily biodegradable. These also are toxin-free and thus, good for the body as well and of course for the environment.

Apart from the above, there are many items in the house that come in plastic bottles. Some of these are shampoos, soaps, detergents, dishwashing soap, etc. These are again difficult to recycle and are not biodegradable which is an issue. There are eco-friendly options available and if not, the plastic bottles can be reused by refilling sometimes. Also, there are organisations that work towards recycling these bottles, so another option is to collect these and send them to them so that they can be recycled and not added to the landfills.

• Biodegradable Sanitary Pads

Sanitary pads are another thing used in most households which are clogging landfills and water bodies. Not many people realise that these are made from plastic and thus, not biodegradable. There are many brands that are making biodegradable sanitary pads and most of these are made from bamboo fibre and corn starch. They also come with disposable bags which are easily biodegradable. Menstrual cups are also another option that is reusable and better for the environment. Like sanitary pads another item is diapers. Again, these are made from plastic but eco-friendly options are available now like cloth diapers and eco-friendly diapers made from bamboo, that are easy to use and good for the environment.


There are many things that we use in our daily lives that are not good for the environment. We have to be mindful and make conscious decisions to find eco-friendly alternatives. When we reduce the usage of plastic, we for sure contribute to a better environment and reduce our contribution to the waste stream. Also, we are setting the right example for our younger generation and also leaving a healthier and cleaner planet for them. We need to revaluate what we use in the house and our habits and then see which ones can be easily changed to sustainable ones. When the demand for eco-friendly alternatives will go up, the companies will also make a conscious effort to switch to options that are good for the environment. These small changes will make a difference the extent of which we cannot imagine. So let us all take a pledge and replace some of the household options which eco-friendly alternatives. Like we buy a house insurance policy to safeguard our house, this will be like insurance for the planet which will be good for us and our children.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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