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All You Need to Know About Conserving Electricity and Reducing Your Bills

Published on December 22, 2022. EST READ TIME: 4 minutes

Conserving Electricity and ReducingBills

We all know that it is the need of the hour to be environmentally conscious. We must try our best to make this planet better for future generations. But it is human psychology to be more conscious about doing anything when seeing immediate results and some personal benefits. Saving electricity is not only extremely crucial for the environment, but also it helps us save electricity bills. We take home insurancefor our houses, and saving electricity is like an insurance for the environment.

When we save electricity we:

● Reduces the household demand and need for energy

● Saves electricity bills

● Reduces the demand for fossil fuel which causes pollution

There is no doubt that we need to save electricity as it has many benefits. Let us discuss some simple ways to save electricity at home and save on the bills.

What is energy conservation?

The concept behind energy conservation is to consciously use less electricity to reduce bills and protect the environment. The resources available on Earth are limited today, and it is the need of the hour to conserve them and use them wisely and avoid wastage of any kind.

Difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency

As explained earlier, conservation of electricity is to use less of it for the sake of reducing bills and saving the environment. On the other hand, energy efficiency means using appliances and products that use less electricity.

How to save electricity at home?

When you have a home, you collect everything with much love. And this means you need to take care and also take all measures to avoid financial strain in case something goes wrong. In today’s times, we have many electronics in the house. Firstly, it is very important to have home insurance with electronic equipment insurance. Having property insurance will ensure that in case there is damage due to the covered perils, the insurance company will bear the loss as per the policy conditions and the sum insured.

Once your electronics are covered, you have to use them properly and also in a good way so that you do not waste electricity. All these devices are there to make life easier for us but not to ruin the environment. Thus, it is our responsibility to be mindful. Following are some of how we can save electricity and, in turn, our electricity bills.

1. Conserving energy by switching off devices when not in use

It is easy to know when electricity is being used by devices, and thus, it is best to switch them off during this time. The amount of electricity used might be very small, but when you add up all the devices in the house, it becomes a lot. Also, as the appliances become old, they become more inefficient.

2. Change your attitude

There are very simple and small things that can be done in the house without using electrical appliances. If you change your attitude a bit and try to be more conscious and restrict usage, you will save electricity. Using air conditioners and heaters all day, even when we do not need them, is a very simple way to save electricity. On sunny days you can dry the clothes in the sun and not use the dryers. The basic idea here is to use electricity and your appliances when it is really needed and not all the time.

3. Installation of solar panels

You can remain connected to the local grid for electricity and also install solar panels. In this way you can generate your electricity and the excess can then be contributed to the grid to be used by others. This reduces the pollution from the local plant, and also, as you give the excess energy, the load on the grid reduces.

4. Use energy-efficient appliances

You should always insure your appliances and take the electronic equipment insurance in your home insurance policy. The cost of energy-saving appliances is undoubtedly higher, but the cost of operating them is less, which matters more.

5. Replace the bulbs

Conventional bulbs consume a lot of electricity and, thus, should be replaced with newer and energy-efficient options. Some of the widely available ones in the market are LEDs, i.e. the light emitting diode bulbs and CFLs, i.e. compact fluorescent lights. Again, like energy-saving appliances, these are more expensive, but they last longer and reduce electricity bills, thus, making them more efficient.

6. Use water heating properly.

We do not realise that water heating contributes to a large part of the electricity usage in our homes. There are four ways to reduce this.

● Reduce the thermostat

● Use less hot water

● Insulate the water heater

● Installing an energy-efficient water heater

7. Use the air conditioners wisely.

We do not realise it, but ACs in our country contribute to the largest usage of electricity in the summer. The main idea is to ensure proper cooling and not have a freezing room. Maintaining a temperature in the room and having insulated windows will ensure the room will stay cool and comfortable.

8. Insulated windows

When we have insulated windows in the house, both the heating and cooling become more efficient, and this automatically helps in saving electricity and reducing bills. The cost of these windows is high, but they maintain the temperature and ensure it does not get too cold or too hot like outside. You should also check there are no cracks in the windows, on the vent or even the frames of doors and windows. By doing this, you will ensure the temperature is maintained, and overuse of the AC and heater is avoided.

9. Use natural light

A major part of the electricity bill in the house is the cost of the lights. Try and windows in such a direction that there is ample natural light in the house. This ensures that the lights are not used during the day, and this helps save electricity.

10. Maintain your appliances

When you take proper care of your appliances and ensure they work well, energy consumption is low. You should regularly clean the filters of your air conditioners to make sure the cooling is not affected by clogged filters. Your property insurance will take care of the cost of repair due to a covered peril. Not taking care of and lack of maintenance will not be covered in most policies. Thus, it is always better to be careful.


There is a connection not only between electricity consumption and electricity bills but also between electricity usage and the environment. If each family conserves very little energy also, it adds up to a lot when everyone does it. There are some simple things you can do, as discussed above, to help you save electricity and cut down on your bills. Green energy sources are coming back, and till they are not there to take over, we as citizens of the country need to be careful. Use your electrical appliances carefully, and do not forget your home insurance.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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