Posted on: Feb 19, 2019 | | Written by:

Need of Health Insurance during Diwali

Apart from being the festival of lights, Diwali is one of the most celebrated festivals across the country. It is the time of the year when loved ones meet, share, and make some wonderful memories together.

Most people who celebrate the festival will agree that one’s expenses during Diwali can go skyrocketing. From buying gifts, gold, new clothes, and items for the house to celebrative gathering expenses, Diwali may end up burning a hole in one’s pocket.

Along with being an expensive festival, Diwali is also known to be that time of the year when medical emergencies are on the rise. These emergencies may include:

  • Heart and diabetes-related issues due to excessive consumption of sweet and fried foods.
  • Eye injuries and burns caused by firecrackers
  • Asthma and other respiratory issues owing to the pollution caused by firecrackers

Among all the expenses you have already incurred towards your Diwali celebrations, imagine having to rush a loved one to the hospital on account of a medical emergency. This is nothing short of a nightmare. Not only does this cause tremendous emotional stress but also takes a huge toll on your already low finances.

This is where the role of a comprehensive health insurance plan comes into play. It is a kind of insurance policy that offers you and your family members’ financial protection during a medical emergency. A health insurance plan covers costs incurred owing to hospitalization. Therefore, if an elder member of the family is hospitalized due to a spike in their blood sugar or a child has to be rushed to hospital owing to fire cracker burns, a health insurance plan will cover it all.

Diwali means fun and frolic. However, this fun may end up taking a toll on one’s health. Even though you may take proper precautions, sometimes unforeseen medical emergencies arise. And this is where health insurance plan benefits come in handy. So, getting a health insurance plan for yourself and your family ensures that a medical emergency does not leave you financially high and dry during the festive season.

To know more buy and explore health insurance plans and its benefits click here
