Posted on: Jun 8, 2020 | | Written by:

Demystifying BMI: Body Mass Index

Bitten by the fitness bug? And rightly so, the ‘health is wealth’ adage cannot hold more truth than in the current time when taking care of your health should be your top most priority. The road to fitness starts with certain simple steps and the first and foremost is calculating your BMI. Don’t get overwhelmed by all these health jargons, BMI is nothing but Body mass index and it is a method of screening to figure out which weight category you fall in. To simplify things further, it calculates the ratio of your height to your weight to gauge whether your weight is in ideal proportion to your height.

  • How is BMI calculated
    Don’t sweat it does not require you to memorize complicated formulas! The simple formula BMI= kg/m2 where KG indicates a person’s weight in kilograms and m2 is height in meters squared should suffice.

    As per the WHO guidelines, these are the bands under which your body weight can be categorized:

    • BMI of 18.5 or lesser is categorized as underweight

    • BMI of 18.5- 24.9 is ideal and indicates a healthy body weight

    • BMI of 25-29.9 is considered overweight

    • BMI of 30 or more comes under the category of obese

  • Benefits of maintaining a healthy BMI
    It is always ideal to maintain a healthy BMI in order to ensure healthy living and longevity. A healthy BMI gives you assurance of having a longer and healthier life. If your BMI is high, you are at an increased risk of developing type2 diabetes, as well as other metabolic diseases such as hypertension, high cholesterol and heart disease. While a low BMI makes you susceptible to vitamin deficiencies, anemia and even osteoporosis. So striking that perfect balance in your BMI is crucial and will lift your fitness quotient to new heights.

  • Don’t rely solely on BMI
    Calculating your BMI regularly and working towards the ideal body weight ratio may be the path to fitness. However there are many factors that come into play when we talk about body weight such as genetics, level of physical activity, age and sex. Also there are certain exceptions where BMI cannot be applied, for instance athletes, pregnant women, elderly or young children. The reason being the body mass index does not take into account whether the weight is carried as muscle or fat. Hence before you arrive at a conclusion, remember reaching a healthy weight isn't just about reaching a certain number on the scale or a certain BMI. Having healthy eating and exercise habits is very important and it is always better to seek a professional’s opinion before you proceed with your quest for a healthy body and lifestyle.

While you adopt a healthier lifestyle and chalk out new fitness plans, it is wise to opt for health insurance that can cover financial losses in case you develop any health issues.

This blog has been written by Diwaker Asthana Health Insurance industry experience of 20 years

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