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How to Get the Most Out of Your Summer Car AC

Published on February 26, 2022. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

Summer Car AC

There are some components of a car that the drivers and passengers cannot do without. One such component is the air conditioning. Every modern-day car is fitted with a good AC and apart from keeping you comfortable when you drive, the device also keeps the car and its interior parts safe and protected from the harsh weather conditions outside. To get the AC of the car to function properly, you can try the tips mentioned below.

Doing so will ensure there is maximum cooling from the car AC every time you turn it on:

1. Park your car in a shade

First and foremost, always remember to park your car in a shade. This applies especially if you need to leave your car parked for a long period of time. If you drive to work and the car remains parked from 9 AM to 6 PM, it is important for it to be away from the sun. Exposure to the hot sun for such a long time will heat up your car and then the AC will struggle to cool it down. Rather, look for an indoor parking area where the car can safely be kept and will remain cool also. Then, when you get it and start the AC, the cooling will happen instantly and very well.

2. Open the windows

When you leave the locked car outdoors under the hot sun, the greenhouse effect kicks in and the temperature inside the vehicle begins to shoot up. To prevent this, all you have to do is leave a small gap in the windows. Do not roll the windows up all the way - just leave a tiny gap at the top so that the air can circulate. This may seem like a simple thing, but it proves to be very handy and keeps the car’s temperature a lot lower. However, while doing so, you must keep the safety aspect in mind. If you feel this can affect the car’s safety, refrain from the practice.

3. Ventilate the vehicle

As soon as you get into the car, do not turn on the AC. Just roll down the windows and allow the hot air to move out and fresh air to get in. This may take just a couple of minutes but it really helps the AC to work well thereafter. Make sure you drive with the windows rolled down, as that will help to ventilate the care in a more effective way. Once the hot air gets out and the cool air gets in, the car’s temperature is lower and then the AC functions to its full potential.

4. Select the recirculation option

When you put the AC on the recirculation mode, it keeps recirculating the cool air that’s within the car, rather than constantly pulling in the external air. This works well when the outside temperature is very hot. At such a time, pulling in the hot air and cooling it constantly pressurizes the AC and it stops performing to its full potential. So, use the recirculation mode as and when needed to get the proper cooling.

5. Replace or clean the filthy filter

The AC's only job is not to make the car cool - it also has the other important function of filtering the air while pulling it in. This is why you get to inhale clean and odour free air irrespective of the cleanliness factor outside the vehicle. But in doing so, the filter of the AC gets dirty with all the filth sticking to it. Clean the AC filter regularly to ensure there are no particles hanging on to it. Also, remember to replace the filter from time to time as that will help the AC to function well.

6. Make frequent use of your car's air conditioning

Even if you live in a cold place, or the current weather is cold, you need to use the AC regularly. Keep the temperature low if desired and turn it on sparingly, but do not keep it unused for a long time. Doing so may make it less efficient as the motors will get sluggish and also a lot of dust particles can settle on the AC, making it highly prone to damage.

7. Inspect the refrigerant level

The refrigerant is a fluid that helps the AC to work. With time, the refrigerant gets over and requires refilling. Make sure you refill the refrigerant from time to time to keep the car’s AC functioning properly and giving the maximum cooling.

8. Have your automobile serviced on a regular basis

And last but not the least, remember to get the car serviced from time to time. Doing so will help you to get any flaws in the AC checked and repaired and this, in turn, will increase the machine’s life.


Make use of the car’s insurance policy, along with any rider such as the zero depreciation car insurance rider, to keep all the parts, including the AC safe and in a good condition. Also, keep all the points mentioned above in mind and you can enjoy a comfortable AC experience each time you get inside your vehicle.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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