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6 Simple and Effective At-Home Workout to Stay Fit and Active

Staying fit, both physically and mentally, is important for people of all ages. And studies show that staying active and following a workout regime not only works wonders for your body, but also your mind. Exercise boosts blood circulation, tones muscles, helps you lose excess weight, improves mood, and keeps you feeling energetic all day long. It also makes your body more supple, builds strength, improves flexibility, and optimizes your overall wellbeing.

However, when it comes to improving fitness levels, doing intense exercises in the gym or joining Pilates or Zumba classes are not the only options. You can easily follow a workout regime at home and improve your overall strength and fitness.

Now, let’s check out the 6 exercises you can do at home without any equipment

1. Push-ups or knee push-ups:

This is one of the most common and effective exercises for boosting upper body strength. Besides working on the pectoral muscles, triceps and shoulders, push-ups help strengthen your lower back and core as well. If you are a beginner, you can start with knee push-ups by resting your lower body on your knees. This is easier and quite effective. You can switch to regular push-ups gradually.


• Start in a plank position and tighten the core.

• Then bend your elbows slowly and bring your body down till your chest almost touches the floor.

• Extend the elbows and return to the start position.

• For knee push-ups, you need to be in a high plank position from your knees and then follow the steps mentioned above.

• Start with 3 sets of 10-15 reps each.

2. High knees:

This high-intensity cardiovascular exercise strengthens the core and legs and gets your blood pumping. It also boosts metabolism, increases aerobic fitness and keeps your weight in check.


• Stand with your feet a bit apart.

• Start with lifting the left knee to the chest level and then repeat the same with the right one.

• Continue this for a few seconds and take a break.

• Start with 3 sets of 30 seconds each and increase the duration of the sets gradually.

When doing high knees, make sure you maintain a good posture and do not swing your arms excessively.

3. Chair dips:

If you are looking to improve your upper body strength and build shoulder muscles, a few reps of chair dips will help.


• Take a stable chair or weight bench and grip its edges with your fingers pointing at your feet.

• Extend your legs and keep your feet a few inches apart, parallel to the hips. The heels of your feet should touch the ground.

• Grip the chair properly and lower yourself till you reach a comfortable position and then push your body back up to the initial position.

• Repeat these steps and do 3 sets of 15 chair dips each.

4. Lunges:

This is a perfect workout for strengthening, sculpting and toning your body. Doing lunges regularly can strengthen your back, hips and legs and improve overall body stability and mobility. Basic lunges work on your glutes, quads, and hamstrings.


• Stand straight and keep your feet hip-wide apart.

• Now take your right leg forward and lower your body in such a way that your right thigh and left foot from knee down is parallel to the floor.

• Then come back to the starting position.

• Do 10-15 reps with the right leg and repeat the same with the left one.

• Start with 2-3 sets of lunges. Do not overexert though.

5. Forearm planks:

Apart from boosting core strength, the plank exercise improves your balance and stability. It engages a range of muscles in your body and helps burn calories quickly.


• Lie on your stomach and keep elbows on the floor, directly under your shoulders.

• Now raise your body in such a way that it is parallel to the floor. Only your toes, elbows and forearms should touch the floor.

• Concentrate on your abdominal muscles and pull your navel towards the spine.

• Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds initially and increase it to 1 minute gradually.

You can also try other variants of planks, such as standard planks, knee planks and side planks.

6. Zumba:

If you are looking for a fun way to stay fit, Zumba is a wonderful option. It involves a series of high and low-intensity dance moves that help tone your overall body. It also strengthens the core, arms, legs and glutes. There are many good Zumba channels on YouTube, so you can follow a few and improve your fitness with fun dance workouts.


If you are a beginner, start with 30 minutes of exercise three times a week. Remember to do some warm-up exercises initially, like for 5-10 minutes, to reduce the risk of injury. Also, when you are exercising, do not put excessive stress on your body and muscles. Start slowly and aim to increase your workout time and intensity gradually. Always listen to your body and do not push yourself too hard.

One of the important components of our overall wellness is also being financially secured. Healthcare emergencies can happen any time, but a good health insurance policy can protect you from such uncertain situations. To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the wellness corner.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on November 24, 2021