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Social Wellness

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What is Social Wellness?

Social wellness, also known as social well-being, refers to building and maintaining positive and supportive relations with the people around us. The more we interact with other people and form meaningful relations, the better will be our social wellness.

Human beings are social animals who cannot do well in isolation. Therefore, we need to talk to our loved ones and friends from time to time and share our thoughts, beliefs and concerns to feel mentally and emotionally better.

Studies have also shown that people with strong social connections have fewer health issues and a more positive outlook on life. Hence, working on social wellness can help promote our overall well-being.

Importance of Social Wellness

Here’s why social wellness is important:

  • Having a positive social network increases our self-confidence.
  • It is vital for our mental and emotional health.
  • It keeps away feelings of isolation.
  • It encourages us to engage in self-care.
  • It helps us deal with stress and anxiety better.

Signs Indicating Good Social Wellness

Signs of good social wellness are:

  • You can balance your personal and social life well.
  • You are empathetic and giving in your relationship with others.
  • You make efforts to keep in touch with family and close friends.
  • You can easily interact and build relation with people in your community.
  • You treat people from different social and ethnic backgrounds with respect.
  • You are happy over success of other people.
  • You are confident of yourself in presence of other people.

Tips to Improve Social Wellness

Some simple ways to improve social wellness are:

  • Make social connections: Building strong social connections is vital for your health and happiness. Apart from your family, friends, romantic partner, neighbours or colleagues, look for ways to find new social connections, such as by joining classes to learn new things, volunteering in schools, hospitals and other places, travelling to new places and more.
  • Build strong and healthy relationships: This is important for your physical and emotional wellness. When you have at least a few supportive and understanding people in your life, you feel secure, which can positively impact your overall well-being.
  • Communicate honestly: Be vocal about your thoughts and needs, especially with your family and close friends. This is important to connect with them better and make your bond stronger.
  • Be a good listener: Listen to your loved ones and friends patiently, without judgment. Understanding, caring, empathetic and non-judgemental attitudes towards others can help you develop and maintain stronger and healthier relationships.
  • Convey your thoughts respectfully: If you disagree with someone on a specific issue or topic, share your views without hurting them. Avoid being overly critical about things and keep your temper in check.
  • Spend time with family: Even if you have a busy schedule, make sure you spend quality time with your family daily. This can include having meals together, going for walks, movies or shopping, playing games or just sitting and talking for a while.
  • Plan outings with friends: Spending time with friends can help promote your emotional and social well-being. If you cannot meet them, call and check in on them now and then.
  • Improve relationships: Reflect on your relationships and determine the ones that need improvement. If there have been misunderstandings or communication gaps, talk to the concerned people and try to sort out things.


Social wellness is essential to living healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives. Suppose you are looking for ways to improve your social well-being and start spending more time with your family and friends. Nurture your relationships; be vocal about your feelings, and have an understanding and supportive attitude towards others. Apart from strengthening your healthy relationships, try to make new friends expand your social network and promote social wellness.

Source: bioneurix,,,, conehealth, vantagefit, healthhub.hif

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