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Can physical therapy improve a patient’s mental health?

Physical therapy is a great way to get relief from pain and stiffness that result from an injury or surgery. Additionally, there are some other benefits of seeking this type of therapy which includes improving mental health. Read on to know about the benefits of physical therapy for mental health.

How Exercising improves your mood

There are some proven benefits of physical therapy on mental fitness. Exercising helps in improving mood, especially when you seek physical therapy after an accident or injury. This is because it helps the patient to maintain a positive frame of mind and stay motivated. After physical therapy, the patient feels a sense of achievement which uplifts their mood and in turn improves their mental health.

Why does engagement matter?

After a serious injury or complicated surgery, a patient’s ability to move around is significantly reduced which causes depression and deteriorates his mental health. Inability to go out and indulge in socialising activities further affects their mental health. During such times, having an empathetic and friendly physical therapist who engages in conversation along with the activities goes a long way in improving the patient’s mental health. This is one of the main benefits of physical therapy for mental health.

At times, PT group sessions are also a good idea as it allows the patient to interact with other people with similar conditions. Such sessions helps in improving their mood which results in improving their overall mental health.

Importance of Routines

In cases where the patients suffer with limited mobility due to chronic health conditions, they receive a lot of benefits from physical therapy. It is important to have regular PT routines as it not only gives a mental boost to the patient, but it also allows him to deal, cope, and accept his new state of being. This aids in their overall recovery.

PT benefits for specific behavioural and mental disorders

Physical therapy for mental health is commonly seen as a beneficial tool for patients suffering with depression and anxiety. Exercising regularly helps to de-stress which in turn reduces several mental health conditions. It also helps to prevent many serious disorders such as cancer, asthma, etc.


Physical therapy is immensely valuable and it helps people recover physically as well as mentally.

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Published on September 19, 2022