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Pregnancy Care Tips

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Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy is an exciting journey, but it is not without its fair share of worries, doubts and questions. From what you should eat and whether you can exercise to how you can travel safely and carry on working, there are a million things on your mind. This is more if you are about to become a mother for the first time. And, of course, you would want to know everything that will ensure your baby’s health, growth and safety during those nine months and beyond, right? This is why we have put together a knowledge tank where you will find the answers to your many questions. Start exploring and consult your doctor simultaneously so that you can do precisely what is right for you.

Tips for a Smooth & Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a gamut of emotions. It can be equally exciting and stressful and whether you are trying for a baby or are already expecting, focusing on your health is crucial.

Caring for the baby is a lot of work, so you must stay healthy. While a lot of helpful information will come your way from friends and family members, remember that not all pregnancies are alike. Everyone has unique health needs, and only the doctor’s suggestion should be followed.

However, there are many simple pregnancy tips that you can keep in mind to stay healthy and safe during the nine-month-long journey.

Tips for Planning a Pregnancy

For most women, planning for a healthy pregnancy starts after they get pregnant. However, preparing yourself and your body before you get pregnant is wiser. Here are some pregnancy planning tips to help you prepare for the healthiest pregnancy possible:

1. See your doctor

Go for a pre-pregnancy or preconception (3-6 months before pregnancy) check-up, which will help you know whether your body is ready for pregnancy. You might be asked to get tested for diabetes, thyroid, and hypertension to avoid any later complications. During a check-up, the doctor will check for the following:

  • Your and your family’s medical history
  • Your current medical condition, if any, could be genetic or affect your pregnancy.
  • If you are under any medications or supplements
  • If you have had any miscarriages or pregnancy-related issues in the past

2. Eat healthily

Diet before pregnancy affects the baby’s development in the womb, and following a well-balanced diet before and during pregnancy will help you stay healthy throughout nine months. You can include:

  • More fresh fruits and vegetables, wholegrain high fibre foods, unsaturated `good’ fats such as nuts, seeds and oily fish.
  • Avoid junk and saturated fats, sugary foods and drinks such as sweets, biscuits, cakes, etc.

3. Take vitamins and folic acid

Along with a balanced diet, one might even need to take extra vitamins and folic acid supplements to ensure a healthy pregnancy, as folic acid reduces the risk of congenital disabilities.

  • The usual recommended intake of folic acid daily is 400 micrograms for at least one month before pregnancy, which is to be continued until the 12th week. However, first, consult your physician.
  • If diabetic, one will need a higher dose of folic acid tablets.

4. Quit smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs

Smoking, consuming alcohol and certain drugs increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, congenital disabilities such as abnormal facial features, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), learning disabilities, behavioural issues, etc.

5. Exercise

Exercising and being physically active is very important as it helps with the following:

  • Reduces the risk of pregnancy complications, aches and pains, fatigue, and swelling and improves your overall fitness.
  • Boosts your mood and energy levels.
  • The risk of a C-section is also less.

    Pregnancy Care Tips

    We have categorised these healthy pregnancy tips based on various aspects that need your attention.

    1. Diet

    • Eat healthy, like you were in the pregnancy planning stage.
    • Never skip breakfast as it fuels you for the rest of the day.
    • Ensure to cook meat and seafood items thoroughly before consumption because if undercooked, it can lead to an infection called toxoplasmosis.
    • Consume eggs only after thoroughly boiling or frying them.
    • Include low-fat dairy products in your daily diet to get enough calcium for strong bones.
    • Consume iron-rich foods like spinach, broccoli and green peas to avoid anaemia.
    • Snack in a healthy manner. Eat nuts, seeds, whole grain crackers, fruits and cheese to feel energised.

    2. Fitness

    • Walking, swimming, yoga and Pilates are some of the best exercises during pregnancy. You can even use a stationary cycle; however, consult your doctor and a professional trainer if unsure what is safe for you.
    • Wear clothes that are breathable and offer ample support.
    • One of the best pregnancy care tips is to stay hydrated always.
    • Stop immediately if you feel nauseous, dizzy, breathless or exhausted.

    3. Hygiene 

    • Make sure to maintain good hygiene at all times. Watch out for any vaginal infections.
    • To keep the vaginal area clean & dry, you can use a panty liner. Seek a doctor’s help if anything seems unnatural.
    • Avoid harsh soaps and moisturising lotion after bathing to keep your skin soft and supple.

    4. Working 

    • Remember to take frequent work breaks, so you don’t feel exhausted.
    • Use pillows or cushions to support your back while you spend hours at your desk.
    • One of the essential pregnancy tips is to wear comfortable clothes and ditch high heels.
    • Now and then, stretch a little, take a 5-minute stroll or practise deep breathing to avoid stress.

    5. Travel 

    • Wear loose, breathable clothes and comfortable shoes
    • Stay hydrated at all times.
    • Avoid foods or drinks that can cause gas or bloat.
    • If you are flying or driving, keep the seat belt on and pack a cushion, ear plugs and eye mask for sleeping. Pick a comfortable seat if possible, stretch your legs, and flex those ankles whenever you get a chance.
    • Carry all medicines and supplements whenever travelling and locate the nearest hospital in case of any emergency.

    6. Mental health 

    • Talk to a family member or close friends about any anxieties or worries. This is one of the top pregnancy tips for first-time moms. Whenever confused about something, consult your doctor.
    • Nurture a hobby that keeps your mind at peace.
    • Think positively in a challenging situation and look for solutions instead of focusing on the problems. It is natural to feel tired, unhappy, and angry at times.
    • Take out time for yourself, your partner and anyone else you cherish.
    • Good sleep, meditation, yoga, deep breathing and counselling (if required) can go a long way.

    You Can Also Read - Pregnancy Tips For First-Time Moms To Follow

    Pregnancy Tips for Normal Delivery

    1. Maintain a healthy diet

    Being overweight during pregnancy can reduce the chances of standard delivery. To maintain the right weight, include a lot of vegetables, fruits, grains, lean meat, and dairy in your diet. Avoid processed and other fatty foods and reduce your sugar intake as well.

    2. Exercise regularly

    Exercising regularly is essential as it builds good stamina and helps you stay strong during labour and childbirth. Include exercises which work mainly on thighs and pelvic muscles as it will help you to have a standard delivery.

    3. Get enough sleep

    Get at least 8-10 hours of undisturbed sleep as it will help relieve fatigue and keep your mind calm. Avoid taking caffeine-containing products at least 2 hours before going to bed.

    4. Stay hydrated

    Water is necessary for a baby’s development, and drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily can prevent dehydration, swelling and urinary tract infections.

    5. Reduce stress

    Stress is linked to preterm labour and low birth weight. Practice meditation or yoga to remain calm and positive and avoid situations or thoughts that make you uncomfortable. Pursue some hobby to calm your mind and stay around your loved ones and friends.

    6. Practice breathing techniques

    Practicing meditation and deep breathing exercises regularly can help you have a smooth and regular delivery.


    Expecting mothers get many healthy pregnancy tips from different quarters, like what to do and what not to do. However, the most important thing, besides following your doctor’s advice, is happiness. Stay away from stress, worries and anxiety and enjoy every moment of your journey from pregnancy to childbirth to motherhood. Happy parenting!

    Source: medlineplus, pregnancybirthbaby,,, timesofindia

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    Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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