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Key Questions Every Pregnant Woman Needs to Ask their Gynecologist

Pregnancy is a period of great contradiction in a woman's life. Along with feelings of excitement and happiness come those of apprehension and worry. It is but natural for any woman to have plenty of questions, especially if it is her first pregnancy.

While you should get all your queries answered by your doctor during your scheduled visits in order to be better informed, the following nine questions must be at the top of your list as they involve pregnancy care.

1. How your current medications and supplements impact your pregnancy

Your OB/GYN needs to be informed about every single medication or supplement that you take. Ask them what is safe to consume during pregnancy and how it affects your body or growth of the baby. Check on

1. Medications prescribed before pregnancy

2. Drugs which you take or can take for minor ailments like headache and for stomach upset

3. Health supplements for deficiencies of certain nutrients

4. Any homeopathic or Ayurvedic medicines

2. Foods to consume and foods to avoid

Check with your OB/GYN regarding recommended foodand the food which must be avoided. If you have a specific medical condition, it needs to be disclosed and factored into your diet during pregnancy. You may be asked to avoid uncooked meat and vegetables or dairy, especially during the first trimester. Alcohol and smoking are best avoided completely during pregnancy and lactation period.

3. Precautions with regards to sexual activity

Many pregnant women may feel embarrassed, uncomfortable and self-conscious while broaching this topic with their doctor, but it is important to have all your doubts resolved. Pregnant women may feel increased or decreased sexual drive at different phases of their pregnancy.

Depending on your physical condition and pregnancy health, your OB/GYN will advise regarding how frequently you can engage in sexual activity, what positions work best at each stage of the pregnancy, and how far into your pregnancy it is safe.

4. Genetic testing and result

There are certain tests which are indicative of the likelihood of genetic defects in foetus and while only a very small percentage of babies suffer from genetic defects, it is incredibly important especially if you or your partner have a family history of genetic problems or if the pregnancy has occurred at an advanced maternal age. As such cases could be categorized as high-risk; make sure to ask your OB/GYN if there is any test you need to undergo.

5. Which physical activities and exercises are allowed

Staying physically active during your pregnancy is a must unless you've been advised otherwise. Some women tend to avoid exercise altogether as they consider it risky. Speak to your doctor and ask for workout and exercise routines that work best during each stage of pregnancy.

Exercising carries a lot of benefits and can:

• reduce backaches

• reduce constipation and acidity

• reduce bloating and stress

• make childbirth and recovery easier

6. Does stress negatively impacts pregnancy

Pregnant women are more stress-prone than others. As long as stress remains mild to moderate, there isn't much cause for concern but if it becomes severe then you need to have a candid discussion with OB/GYN about how to manage it. They may prescribe safe medications or even recommend a pregnancy care support group or therapist.

7. Can I drink coffee

High amounts of caffeine, over 250 milligrams, can be dangerous during pregnancy. Amounts up to 200 milligrams are generally considered safe but again, each pregnancy care case is unique. If coffee is an important beverage for you then speak to your doctor about daily caffeine intake.

8. When to contact the doctor?

While some doctors and their associates make themselves available to answer any questions that their pregnant patients may have at any time during their pregnancy, few doctors prefer that you call them only if there's an emergency or urgent situation. So, check with your OB/GYN early with regards to what would warrant a call to their offices. For instance, a little amount of bleeding during the first months of your pregnancy is considered normal but it may cause panic and you may need your doctor's help to mitigate your worry.

9. Managing your weight gain during pregnancy

As part of pregnancy care, try to maintain your weight within a certain range. Depending on your frame and height, a weight gain of 7-15 kgs is considered normal but there is no fixed range. During pregnancy, woman's metabolism slows down and the growing baby can induce hunger pangs and increased appetite. So check with your OB/GYN about keeping your weight gain on track and keeping yourself healthy.


These are some of the most important questions every pregnant woman needs to discuss with their medical practitioner as they cover the most crucial aspect of pregnancy care. So make sure to put forward these questions to your doctor.

One of the important components of our overall wellness is also being financially secured. Healthcare emergencies can happen any time, but a good health insurance policy can protect you from such uncertain situations. To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the wellness corner.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on August 01, 2022