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Effective ways to increase the good cholesterols in your body

Cholesterol includes high density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) which is bad cholesterol. While the latter can lead to blockages in the blood vessels and increase the risks of heart conditions, the former helps in improving heart health. In fact, good cholesterol can also help the body eliminate LDL cholesterol and therefore help the heart recover from the damage LDL cholesterol can cause. How do you increase HDL levels in your body? This is possible through some lifestyle changes as well as the inclusion of some specific food items in your diet plan.

Why does your body need good cholesterol?

● The sticky nature of bad cholesterol means that it leads to unwanted deposits on the walls of the blood vessels, which in turn interrupts blood flow. HDL cholesterol helps in removing plaque on the walls of blood vessels.

● People who are in the high-risk category for heart diseases might also benefit from maintaining good levels of good cholesterol. This lowers stroke risks as well as the risks of heart diseases of several kinds.

Ways to increase the HDL levels in the body

So, if you have been struggling to increase good cholesterol, here is how you do it

1. Stay physically active

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the major threats to the good cholesterol in your body. Consistent physical exercises play a strong role in maintaining healthy blood circulation. Occasionally hitting the gym will not be enough. You should take a conscious step to maintain an overall active lifestyle. This could be in the form of walking or running as much as you can, creating a regular workout routine or even taking the stairs instead of the elevator every time you can.

2. Keep tabs on your body weight

People who are overweight suffer from low HDL levels and this in turn can lead to heart disease risks. Aerobic exercises and others help you stay active while also lowering your body weight. Once you have brought your BMI (body mass index) within the healthy range, you should also strive to maintain the healthy weight by staying active and eating healthy.

3. Switch to healthy cooking oil

When it comes to increasing the levels of good fats (monounsaturated fats) in the body, olive oil is one of the most recommended ingredients to include in your diet. This is also very popular in heart-healthy diet plans. People who regularly include olive oil in their diet also notice a good boost in their HDL levels. The results are gradual but prolonged. You also need to be consistent with the use of this oil in your cooking to notice good results.

4. Give up unhealthy habits like smoking

Smoking cigarettes has an adverse effect on the levels of HDL in your body. The oxidative modification of good cholesterol in the body as a result of frequent smoking is attributed to the lowering of these levels. So, if you wish to avert the risks of heart problems caused due to diminishing HDL in your body, give up smoking. Reducing alcohol consumption can also have similar effects on the body.

5. Fibre is your friend

Dietary fibre plays a critical role in the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels. There are several fruits known for their high fibre content like prunes. Adding large portions of fruits and vegetables to your diet can show significant improvement. Beans and legumes are the other main ingredients to include.

6. Include nuts in your diet

Nuts like almonds can be effective in maintaining healthy HDL levels. These crunchy nuts are excellent replacements for fried snack items that can elevate the LDL levels in the body. Plant sterols found in nuts are effective in absorbing the bad cholesterol and thus keeping your heart healthy.


Talk to your doctor to understand your HDL levels. A simple blood test reveals whether your body has enough HDL,after which you can work on ways to maintain this consistently. This will go a long way in preventing various other diseases and ensuring that the LDL levels do not soar beyond the allowed range.

Source: NHS, UK

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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