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Solve Back Pain Problems with Yoga

Back pain problems are a serious issue, and yoga asanas can help one recover from these back problems. Yoga is an ancient science often recommended for being physically fit along with other countless benefits.


This yoga asana for back pain stretches and moves the spines, and also makes your neck and shoulders bigger.

Steps to do this:

● Get down on the ground.

● Put your knees below your hips and your wrists below your shoulders.

● Spread your weight out evenly among all four spots.

● Take a deep breath as you lift your head and let your stomach sink toward the mat.

● Exhale as you tuck your chin into your chest, pull your belly button toward your spine, and round your back up.

● Be aware of your body as you do this movement.

● Become aware of the tightness in your body and release it.

Downward-Facing Dog:

This asana for back pain can help people with back pain fix and imbalances in the body.

Steps to do this:

● Get down on the ground.

● Align your knees over your hips and your hands over your wrists.

● Put pressure on your hands, and lift your knees while bending your toes.

● Raise the bones where they sit up to the ceiling.

● Keep a small knee bend and stretch your back and tailbone.

● Keep your heels about an inch or two off the ground.

● Press down hard with your hands.

● As you spread your body, pay attention to where your hips and shoulders are.

● Keep your head in line with your upper arms, or tuck your chin just slightly.

● Hold this position for approximately one minute.

Extended Triangle:

This traditional way of standing may help people with back pain or problems in their neck. It also makes your legs, shoulders, and chest stronger.

Steps to do this:

● Walk with your feet about four feet apart or when you're standing still.

● You need to put forward your right toe and angle your left toe.

● Raise your arms so they are parallel to the ground and your palms face down.

● Lean forward and bend at your right hip to bring your arm and torso forward.

● Bring your hand to the ground, your leg, or a yoga block.

● As you do this, reach your left arm toward the ceiling.

● Look in front of you, up or down.

● Try holding this position for a minute

Sphinx Pose:

This simple backbend helps the back and buttocks get stronger. It works the muscles in the chest, shoulders, and stomach.

Steps to do this:

● Lay on your back with your legs stretched out behind you.

● Use the muscles in your lower back, buttocks, and legs.

● Put your palms down on the floor under your forearms and your elbows under your shoulders.

● Slowly lift your upper body and head.

● Raise your lower abs and tighten them to stabilise your back.

● Make sure to lift with the help of your spine and out through your forehead.

●You need to hold for 5 minutes this asana for back pain.

● Keep looking forward as you completely relax in this pose.

Cobra Pose:

This yoga asana for back pain can help strengthen the back and stretch the stomach, chest, and shoulders gently.

Steps to do this:

● Put your hands on your shoulders and point your fingers forward.

● Pull your arms close to your chest. Don't stick out your elbows too much.

● Slowly raise your head, chest, and shoulders while pressing them into your hands.

● You can lift halfway, halfway up, or all the way.

● You could tilt your head back to get into a deeper position.

● As you breathe out, come back to your mat.

● Put your head down and your arms by your sides.

● Move your hips slowly from side to side to relax your lower back.

Locust Pose:

This easy backbend may help relieve lower back pain and tiredness while strengthening your arms, legs and back.

Steps to do this:

● Lay on your stomach with your arms next to your middle and your hands facing up.

● Touch your big toes together and turn your heels to the side.

● Put the top of your head down gently.

● Slowly lift your head, torso, and arms up halfway.

● You can clasp your hands together and put them behind your back.

● To make the pose stronger, lift your legs.

● As you stretch the back of your neck, look straight ahead or up with a neutral or slightly upward gaze.

● You can stay in this position for up to a minute.

● Take a break before attempting again.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website, or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Kindly contact your doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on July 29, 2022