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New Diet Trends You Need to Watch Out for in 2022

A diet is a specific course of food to which an individual restricts themselves in order to improve their health and fitness, lose weight, or for medical reasons. Human beings require a certain amount of nutrients and calories every day to stay healthy. A balanced diet ensures that you get nutrients from all five food groups, without exceeding your daily recommended calorie requirement.

Numerous health-focused diets have become immensely popular these days. So, if you are wondering what diet to follow to reduce weight or improve your fitness, read on to know what the latest diet trends in 2022 are.

Low sugar diet (aka the new Keto)

The Keto diet has always been popular as individuals on a Keto diet avoid carbohydrates and consume a combination of fat (70% of diet) and protein (20% of diet) based foods. This makes the body burn fat or ketones instead of carbs for energy, thus helping the individual lose weight quickly. However, the low sugar diet requires you to have:

● High amounts of protein

● Moderate amount of fats from healthy sources like coconut, almonds, avocado etc.

● Just 4gm of sugars or carbs per day

Causes and Plant-based diet

Veganism is gaining popularity right now, but a mainly plant-based diet that also includes grass-fed meat and free-range poultry is all the rage in 2022. This diet is based on consuming a variety of:

● Plant-derived proteins like hemp, almond, pea, and pumpkin proteins

● Adaptogens or stress-reducing plant-based foods like maca root, reishi mushrooms, turmeric, and ashwagandha

A plant-based diet reduces your carbon footprint and followers of this diet also emphasise sustainable packaging to better protect the environment.

Immunity-booster diet

Owing to the pandemic, everyone wants to eat healthy foods that will boost their immunity and fight off infections. The WHO’s dietary guidelines emphasise that a balanced diet is vital for a healthy immune system and suggests 5 servings of vegetables and 4 of fruits daily.

The immunity-boosting diet consists of superfoods such as avocado, grapefruits, broccoli, nuts, eggs, green tea, garlic, elder berries etc., which are high in nutrients like Vitamin C, D, E, and antioxidants. This diet boosts immunity and prevents bacterial and viral infections.

Intermittent fasting

This diet will be incredibly popular in 2022 and it involves fasting for most part of the day. This promotes natural weight loss by eliminating the continuous snacking that we indulge in throughout the day. Intermittent fasting includes methods such as:

● 16/8 method - where you eat only between noon and 8 pm and then fast from 8 pm until noon the next day.

● OMAD - This involves having only one meal a day and fasting for the rest of the day.

Paleo Diet

A paleo diet means eating the same food that cavemen did, including nuts, berries, and meat, fish or poultry caught in the wild. This diet completely avoids processed and refined foods, sugar, and grains. The food is also cooked on an open fire, with minimal seasonings and sauces.

Low FODMAP diet

Worldwide, there has been a rise in the incidence of irritable bowel syndrome in people. This diet is low in fermentable carbohydrates and consists of anti-inflammatory foods that soothe the stomach. The acronym stands for five foods that are avoided in this diet:

● Disaccharides (e.g., yoghurt, milk)

● Fermentable oligosaccharides (e.g., legumes, wheat)

● Monosaccharides (e.g., grapes, figs, honey)

● Polyols (e.g., lychees, blackberries)

MIND diet

The MIND diet is highly popular in 2021-2022 and it is a combination of a Mediterranean diet and DASH diet (Dietary approach to stop Hypertension). The acronym stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. It consists of a low sodium Mediterranean diet that includes fruits, veggies, wild-caught fish, nuts, turmeric, broccoli, dark chocolate, etc. This diet is designed to promote heart health and prevent conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s.


No matter what meal plan you wish to follow for losing weight or improving fitness, ensure that you have a balanced diet that includes all the nutrients that your body requires for good health and immunity. Before going on a diet, always check with your doctor or certified nutritionist and come up with a healthy meal plan. The key to maintaining good health and fitness is a combination of a balanced diet and regular exercise. Here’s to a healthier you in 2022!

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on December 15, 2021