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Here is Everything You Need to Know about Obesity and Overweight Issues

Obesity and overweight issues have become global problems. A lot of diseases are a result of excessive weight gain. Obesity is also adding a lot of pressure to the government health insurance plans. This article will take you through specific details like obesity symptoms, reasons for being overweight and obese, and what can be done to lose weight.

What is the difference between being overweight and being obese?

The difference between being overweight and obese lies in the Body Mass Index (BMI) range. The BMI estimates the body mass and is calculated using the height and weight of a person.

(BMI = weight in kg/height in m2)

Let’s say you weigh 70 kg and are 5.6 ft or 1.70 m tall.

Your BMI range is 70/(1.7*1.7) = 24.22

Here is another example. Let’s assume you weigh 95 kg, and you are 5.4 ft or 1.64 m tall.

Your BMI = 95/(1.64*1.64) = 35.4

BMI range Implication
<18.5 Underweight
18.5-24.9 Normal weight
25-29.9 Overweight
>30 Obese

You can use the formula to easily identify what range you fall into.

Now, even though overweight and obesity may feel similar problems, when it comes to overweight and obesity symptoms, there are a lot of differences depending on how obese and how overweight you are. A person who is just slightly overweight may not have much of the below symptoms and can function normally compared to a person who falls under the morbid obesity range.

Here are some of the common symptoms of being overweight and obese.

- Unhealthy fat distribution in the body

- Increased waist circumference

- Increased sweating

- Breathing difficulties like shortness of breath

- Excessive snoring at night

- Sleeping difficulties

- Increased risk of sleep apnoea

- Joint and muscle pain

- Mental health issues like depression, low self-esteem, and anxiety

What kinds of health problems can develop from being overweight or obese?

Apart from the above overweight and obesity symptoms, another problem of being at the higher end of the BMI table is the risk of developing health issues.

Here is a list of health problems you may develop because of obesity and overweight issues.

- Type II diabetes

- Cardiac problems

- Hypertension

- High cholesterol

- Stroke

- Different types of arthritis

- Asthma and wheezing problems

- Kidney diseases

- Increased risk of developing different types of cancers

Now, your risk of developing these diseases may be higher when the fat deposits are around the hips and waist. Therefore, doctors need to monitor the waist size too to assess the risk.

Why do people get overweight or obese?

There are a lot of reasons a person could show overweight and obesity symptoms. Few of these are lifestyle habits, while others could be unpreventable reasons. Check these common reasons out.

1. Genes - Some people could have inherited obesity and overweight problems genetically.

2. The result of certain diseases or medicines - Some conditions and drugs used may encourage excess fat deposition in the body or lower metabolism rate, leading to quicker weight gain.

3. Family habits – This is a widespread reason why children end up gaining excessive weight. When the family habituates and normalizes excessive eating and unhealthy lifestyle habits, the children hold on to them too.

4. Diet habits – Some people develop unhealthy diet patterns with time. They indulge in fatty, oily, and high sugar diets that lead to gradual weight gain. Preferring restaurant foods and takeaways over home-cooked foods can also lead to weight gain.

5. Lifestyle – How many hours of physical activity does a person get in a week? Does the person’s job require them to stay seated in the same place for a very long time? All these matters when it comes to obesity and excessive weight problems.

Your obesity symptoms can slowly render you immobile and very unhealthy. Start by making healthy diet choices, exercising for at least 150 minutes a week, and consulting a professional if you need extra help in shedding body fat. Keep monitoring your weight, and if you seem to gain abnormal amounts of weight suddenly, then do talk to your physician about it.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on December 14, 2021