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Different Forms of Obesity and How to Tackle Them

According to the NCBI, the prevalence of obesity among Indian adults aged between 20 and 69 is all set to triple by the year 2040. Obesity is no longer a Western World problem; it is right here at our doorstep.

But what exactly is obesity? This is a condition that is determined by our BMI or Body Mass Index. The WHO defines obesity in adults as a BMI greater than 29. In children, it is far more complex to determine what falls under the category of obesity but there are parameters that you can follow. Also remember that there are different types of obesity and each needs a different approach to tackle.

6 types of obesity and how to handle each

Understanding the many types of obesity can help you determine the solution. Remember that obesity is both preventable and treatable, but you must have the right approach depending on the cause of the problem. Here’s what you need to know:

• Obesity arising from diet:

Eating the wrong kinds of food and/or eating too much food and pairing that with too little activity can lead to this kind of obesity. You need to tackle it with a two-pronged approach – that is, eating balanced meals in appropriate amounts, and exercising regularly. Sugary foods are the main culprit when this is the kind of obesity you are suffering from.

• Nervous stomach:

Eating sugary items as a response to stress or anxiety often leads to this type of obesity. Good solutions to this include dealing with stress with various techniques such as meditation, yoga or physical exercise. A conscious control over actions when stressed is necessary too. Make it a point to keep your house free of sweets or at least out of reach, so that you are not tempted to indulge in them during stressful times.

• Gluten free food:

Experts believe that when you substitute staples with gluten free food, you take in more energy dense foods that may have double the fat content than that in conventional foods. Gluten free foods may also be low in protein, and thus, reduce your nutritional intake as well. This is the reason why switching to a zero-gluten diet may result in obesity.To address this problem, you need to restore a proper balance in your diet.

• Genetically caused obesity:

In recent years, the obesogenic environment that is prevalent in many homes across the globe has given rise to obesity that may arise genetically. In this environment, children have easy access to calorie rich foods and lack of access to physical activity. There is also a lack of motivation to pursue a strict exercise regime, and as a result, any child of obese parents may also end up being obese. The solution is to eliminate such an environment and create a healthy one that promotes nutritious food, exercise and an active lifestyle.

• Alcohol consumption related obesity:

Alcohol contains 7 kilo calories per gram and excessive consumption can lead to excessive weight gain as well. For heavy drinkers, this is a clear risk. The solution is simple; to cut down on alcohol intake or reduce it dramatically.

• Sedentary obesity:

It is common knowledge that a sedentary lifestyle leads to weight gain, and finally, to obesity. In case you have a desk job that keepsyou in a seated position for most part of the day, it is very important to exercise regularly. Also, during work hours, it is important to get up and walk for a few minutes each hour. This will prevent the weight gain that arises from staying inactive in a sitting position all day long.

All in all, obesity is not merely a cosmetic problem. It is a medical issue that can lead to many other, more serious ailments and put you at a greater risk of many more. You may have inherited obesity from your parents too. That said, there are ways to both prevent and resolve all types of obesity if you are armed with the right information. So, keep the above solutions in mind, get back in shape, and regain good health.

One of the important components of our overall wellness is also being financially secured. Healthcare emergencies can happen any time, but a good health insurance policy can protect you from such uncertain situations. To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the wellness corner.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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