Posted on: Dec 27, 2023 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

Perils Of Going Overboard With Alcohol On New Year’s Eve

Side Effects of Alcohol on Health

As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, people worldwide celebrate and raise toasts to welcome the coming year. While it’s natural to indulge in some revelry during the festivities, it’s essential to keep in mind that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a host of problems that extend beyond the night of celebration. Even those who don’t usually drink but indulge in alcohol during New Year’s Eve can experience long-term damage to their health. This is why we often see unpleasant news making headlines during this time of year. In January 2023, for example, Delhi Police issued 300 challans for drinking and driving on New Year’s Eve, and road accidents and road rage under the influence of alcohol are common occurrences. To avoid such perils, it’s best to drink sensibly and responsibly to welcome the new year with merriment and festive spirit.

Drinking alcohol in moderation is a social responsibility that most people tend to ignore. It’s important to strike a balance between having fun and being sensible. While alcohol is often a part of celebrations, excessive drinking can give rise to a plethora of health issues and turn your enjoyment into a lifetime of misery. Apart from road accidents, overindulgence in alcohol during the year-end can cause irreparable damage to your health, even if you have health insurance to cover hospitalization and medical emergencies.

Here is how going overboard with alcohol on New Year’s Eve can impact you

1. Health Risks:

Excessive alcohol consumption has immediate and obvious dangers, particularly to physical health. Binge drinking can result in alcohol poisoning, dehydration and an increased risk of accidents. Overindulgence may cause liver strain, leading to long-term health issues such as liver disease, cardiovascular problems and compromised immune function.

2. Impaired Decision-Making:

Excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact cognitive function, leading to impaired judgment and decision-making abilities. People who consume too much alcohol are at higher risk of engaging in risky behaviours, such as driving under the influence, fighting, or making poor choices that can have long-term consequences.

3. Legal Consequences:

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a severe offence that can lead to legal consequences such as fines, license suspension, or even imprisonment. Law enforcement agencies frequently increase patrols on New Year’s Eve to address the heightened risk of drunk driving incidents. The legal repercussions of a DUI can have a long-lasting impact on an individual’s personal and professional life. In India, the permissible alcohol limit is set at 0.03% per 100ml of blood. This means that if more than 30mg of alcohol or drugs are detected in a sample of 100 ml blood, it is considered a punishable offence by Indian law.

4. Safety Concerns:

Excessive drinking raises the chances of accidents and injuries. Falls, burns, and other mishaps are more likely to happen when people are drunk. During crowded New Year’s Eve celebrations, the risk of accidents increases, and impaired coordination further compounds the potential for injuries.

5. Relationship Strain:

Alcohol has the power to affect behaviour and emotions, which in turn can lead to strained relationships. When people are under the influence of alcohol, they are more likely to engage in arguments, misunderstandings, and conflicts. Celebrating New Year’s Eve with excessive alcohol consumption can create tensions that may last well into the new year, causing negative impacts on personal and professional relationships.

6. Mental Health Impact:

Alcohol is usually linked with joyous occasions, but it can hurt mental health due to its depressive effects. Overdrinking can worsen feelings of anxiety and depression. Moreover, impulsive actions while under the influence can lead to regret and guilt.

7. Financial Implications:

Excessive drinking can significantly impact your finances. The cost of purchasing drinks on New Year’s Eve is just the beginning - you could also face legal fees, medical bills, and adverse effects on employment. The financial consequences of going overboard with alcohol can extend well beyond the initial celebration.

Here are some useful tips to help you manage your drinking like a pro:

- Eat before or during drinking, preferably protein-based snacks.

- Avoid salty snacks as they can make you thirsty.

- Do not let anyone pressure you into drinking beyond your limits or binge drinking.

- Keep track of your drinks and do not top them up until it’s finished.

- Try to replace alcoholic drinks with water or other non-alcoholic drinks.

- Drink slowly and take sips instead of gulping.

- Do not mix alcohol with any other drinks.

The Take Home Message:

Celebrating responsibly during New Year’s Eve is important, especially regarding alcohol consumption. Drinking too much on this festive night can have lasting negative effects on your health, safety, relationships, and finances. As we welcome the new year, let’s prioritize responsible drinking to ensure that our celebrations are safe, joyful, and unforgettable for all. Additionally, as a responsible citizen, it’s important to have a health insurance policy online to avoid the burden of high medical bills in the event of an illness or hospitalization. Here’s to a happy and responsibly celebrated new year!

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to the policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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