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World No Tobacco Day: Stay away from tobacco for a healthy life

Published on May 20, 2021. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

World No Tobacco Day: Stay away from tobacco for a healthy life

Every year on May 31, the world observes Anti-Tobacco Day. It is a day to raise awareness about the dangers of tobacco use to one’s health. Smoking is lethal, and it is associated to a variety of illnesses such as stroke, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses. It has been linked to an increased risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, bladder, cervix, pancreas, and kidneys. Throughout the world, smoking is a preventable cause of death. It has been linked to lung cancer cases, and smokers die a decade earlier than non-smokers.

Tobacco contains over 7,000 toxins, and long-term use can cause irreparable damage to human health. Tobacco has the potential to harm every organ in your body. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey, more than 55 per cent of smokers and 50 per cent of smokeless tobacco users in the county have attempted but failed to quit the habit.

Effects of tobacco on health

Tobacco has several negative health effects that you should be aware of. Let’s take a closer look at them.


Tobacco is associated to various types of cancer, and smokeless tobacco is a major cause of oral cavity cancer. The risk of developing cancer increases with the duration of use, inhalation degree, and number of tobacco products used daily. It causes cancer of the lungs, respiratory tract, pancreas, liver, nasal cavity, kidney, and other organs.

Cardiovascular diseases

Tobacco use causes strokes, which are caused by the constricting or rupture of blood vessels, resulting in unconsciousness and paralysis. It also affects the coronary vessels of the heart, resulting in a decrease in blood supply. This can lead to cardiac arrest. Further, smoking raises the risk of risk factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, both of which increase the risk of coronary heart diseases.

Respiratory diseases

Tobacco use can cause chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It is also capable of causing tuberculosis and asthma.

Pregnancy complications

Tobacco use during pregnancy can result in ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, bleeding, miscarriage, premature delivery, and abnormalities of the placenta. It also increases the newborn’s risk of high blood pressure, obesity, poor lung function, and allergies.

Protect yourself with health insurance

Tobacco has a negative impact on health, so it is best to avoid it. Seek professional help if you are trying to quit, and stick to your path. It may seem difficult initially, but it is doable, and the benefits are many. It is also important to invest in health insurance to protect yourself in the event of an illness. If you are not uninsured, treatment and medication can drain your savings and put you in financial jeopardy. With the right health insurance coverage, you can get the best treatment without incurring high out of pocket expenses.

If you smoke, you must be honest with your insurance company and inform them of this fact. Because of the risks involved, you may have to pay a higher premium, but the policy will cover major illnesses. Add-ons can also be purchased at a higher premium for more extensive protection.

Disclaimer-The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
